A Randt & Hoisan Production…Coming Really Soon! Teaser! Teaser!


In this post, we want to just tease you, because Nat makes great Teasers! We will show you a little YouTube at the bottom, now that we are so close to finishing, and the closer that we get, the harder it is to not talk about it. (see a previous post on that)
I want to say something here in this one, because I know the next one, that has our finished YouTube will probably be very short…something like …
“Here it is.. Here it is  FINALLY~~Please Watch and Enjoy!”

In this post I want to talk about the incredible movie chemistry that has aged and refined itself into a rich tasting wine of creativity and friendship, between Natascha and myself. I met her about a year and a half ago, and I wrote a post about that , as Nat scared me, when she was moderating at the MAG (Machinima Artist’s Guild)  She was blunt and critical, and also very talented, and I was a novice in a machinima world with  not the best software, but I was bitten by the passion to transport my poetry into  moving imagery.(See my Category Machinima here on my blog)
What happened between those first days, and today where we put our names on our latest film as “Randt & Hoisan Productions”, is a tale that can only be made in SL.
Only SL could have brought together a Costa Rican and a German onto the same set, and given them the tools to meet, and get to know each other. A mutual creative admiration began in those days, and one day Nat said, “We should make something together.”
One of those first somethings was the last year’s UWA V Machinima Challenge/Theme: Seek Wisdom. When I asked her if she would enter she said “NO.” So I thought, I would try and I wrote the poem and soundtrack “Seek Wisdom,” but when I tried to put it together, I was having many problems with lag, lack of computer memory, my filming did not look good, and I had a very basic one track movie program iMovieHD.  So, I went to Nat and begged her to consider doing something together, as I knew I would not get the visuals down at all..and Voilá Our second place winner that year was born. (see past post on that)
Well I think I have lost count but this is our 10th or 11th film together, and what many do not understand, because machinima-making, like poetry is sort of a one person Art, is that we have learned to do the impossible…cooperate, and in such an easy- flowing manner. I liken it to an artist (Nat) who has her paints and her brushes, and her way of being an artist, and I come along and say, “Here is an idea for you to paint.” (Artists are usually not open to that either:) We go back and forth, but if she likes it she will say o.k. and then the fun begins..smiles, and the amazing part begins, because although it is her canvas, and her paints, she trusts me enough to “hand me the brush and say, “What would you like better here?” and I take it and paint an idea (in words) that she turns into a new painted section. What artist would let someone paint on their canvas? I get all emotional when I think about it. Our video partnership was born a year ago at this time. I was on the floor of a hospice living the vigil of my dying soul-mate, and connected to Nat through SL and to our movie, which was the high and wonderful point of a very difficult time. A small detail almost no one can believe, but is very true, Nat and I have never communicated in voice. All of our movies have been hashed out in just text..chat chat chat in SL. We have never Skyped, or voiced, or videoed.
I guess what I am trying to say is, Nat gets involved in my audio, my music, my sound choices, and I get involved with her visual ones. Each of us has our special area, she is the VI (visualizer) and I am the VO (vocalizer) and yet we are always open to the ideas of the other. I know this is rare… because there are few partnerships that last making movie after movie together. I think this is like a creative gift given to us both, and sometimes we really feel the awe that it is this way and how amazingly it works, and seems, to us anyway, to be getting better.
I will stop myself, and save a bit more for the next post, where we reveal our movie,
“Window On A Train” in its entirety. For now, enjoy Nat’s trailer and hopefully be teased.
A Randt & Hoisan Production….made with passion and perseverance.

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1 Response to A Randt & Hoisan Production…Coming Really Soon! Teaser! Teaser!

  1. Dale Innis says:

    Cool teaser. And thank you for the sneak preview of the final piece! It is so good; I am honored to have my name attached to it in the credits, and even more to have been even a small scripty part of it. Such creativity, Vo and Vis! And such emotion; you set us up… well, I shouldn’t give it away. 🙂 But very impactful! Whether or not it wins the contest-thing, I think it deserves to, and everyone seeing it will remember it.


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